Hackers, activists, criminal organisations… It is common knowledge that today, cyber security is a serious and important concern.

New Cognito is a global leader in cyber defense solutions for various sectors, such as critical & sensitive governmental infrastructure and bank security systems. New Cognito’s unique approach reflects the world’s most advanced cyber defense technologies, methodologies, along with real-world needs of critical infrastructure bodies. 

By developing a layered security approach, New Cognito deploys a variety of highly customised  holistic solutions which address security issues from A to Z.

Our approach includes:

Endpoint Security (EndPoint)

Application Security

Data Security

Prevention - Management Policies

Monitoring and Response - Operations

New Cognito offers Cyber Security Solutions such as:
SOC (Security Operations Center)
Security Information Management Software (PSIM/SIEM)
Control Room Infrastructures
Darknet Monitoring and Penetration tests
Cyber Arena Implementation (Cyber Academy)
Establishment of National Security Cyber Entities


Cyber & Security Solutions- Full spectrum of services and platforms to prevent and recognize AML, cyber attacks, fraud and secure digital assets mainly in the banking and finance industries.